Miss Swift has been playing non-stop on my iPod for about four days straight! Her latest album, Fearless is excellent!! She is insanely talented!! Yesterday evening was no different. Taylor and I were rockin out last night while I was working on my latest quilt top. I found this gorgeous Braid Quilt pattern under the free patterns on the Moda Fabrics website!

I was inspired by Michelle over at Golden Gate Quilts to use the fabric line "Nest" by Tula Pink for Moda. It's gorgeous fabric and I can already tell its going to be a keeper!!!

So, I set myself up in the dining room, (husband not too far away watching sports) with my little machine, some Nest, Taylor Swift, my Mac and a cup of Theraflu. Yes, I have caught yet another cold.
You might be wondering about that little "martian" charity quilt I showed you a few posts back......

It's still in the works. I had to break up the quilting with the new quilt I was DYING to piece together!! I read about people starting new quilt tops before finishing the quilt that they had already started and wondered how they could do that.... now. I. know. I have like three or four AWESOME patterns and fabric to go with them that I can not wait to get working on!!!
Me and Taylor are off to make more braids!!
"...... and I don't know how it gets better than this. You take my hand and drag me head first, fearless......"