HI PEOPLE!! Oh how I have missed you. I've been BURIED under mounds and mounds of yarn!! I have just managed to dig myself out (and its a darn good thing, it was hot hot HOT in there!) But, hot or not, aren't they just beautiful!?!?!?

I have to tell you folks, this (these) are my first attempts at a full afghan and I think it is going rather well! I started the uber colorful one a few weeks ago using this Ripple Afghan Pattern. So far, so good! I got the yarn at a local craft store, it's called "Full O Sheep" (100% Wool) and believe it or not, its made by Red Heart. I just literally bought every color it came in and there is absolutely NO method to the madness, complete random stripes.

When I brought the started afghan into work to show a couple of my crafty friends, one of my other friends that has ZERO interest in crochet, eyed it up and asked me to make a custom BROWNS afghan. Now, my husband,... he isn't so thrilled that there is Brown's afghaning going on in his Ravens household. I have to keep it under cover here when I work on it if I want to keep my crocheting fingers. ;)

(please excuse some of the CrAzY colors going on in these pictures. Does anyone else find it hard to photograph yarn in artificial light?)
Your Afghans are looking great - lovely colours! I am in the middle of a marathon myself that I really must get finished...